
Found: 2
Ohiru Nayanko – Undress babe

Ohiru Nayanko is very adorable looking neko gal who looks even more adorable when she is sleeping in her lingerie only... and by that providing you with an opportunity to test your skills of sneaky undressing! That`s right - your main task in this game will be to catch the proper moment and to remove elements of Ohiru Nayanko`` sexy lingerie without waking her up! To do that you should pay attention to the noise meter in the left bottom corner of game screen and click on the active area (which you also have to find by yourself but it won`t be hard at all) at the concrete moment of time - if you will guess the moment right then you will see how adorable Ohiru Nayanko when she is sleeping absolutely nude! The game is not long but well drawn and fun in case if you enjoy sexy looking anime nekogirls.

Found: 2