
Found: 9
Mind Control Your Chief

Working every day at the office trying to fullfill every diminutive and big orders from your boss - not so attractive perspective, don`t you agree? So how about to try something downright different this time - how about you will try to take your boss under your control? Well, sounds liek a great idea yet in order to make this plan real you will need to get a job first! By the way there is still a chance to get a job at the local company which is now interviewing all the contestants so if you want you can try. And now matter how everything will go don`t forget about the true reasons why you are here - you are here not to become the best employee of the month but to fuck as many beauties as only possible with seducing and fucking the bos slady as the ultimate goal!

Point of view house luba

Luba means``Love`` and in this edition of POV House game series she is going to love your big hard trouser snake in many possible ways. Yes, you got that right - your dick! Because in this game you will enjoy all the scenes from male character`s first person perspective and even more - you will decide what you want to do with Luba in the next scene! You can use and of this whorey dark-haired`s fuckholes becaus ea syou will see she is not a stranger to oral and assfuck orgy. Or you can focus only on those positions that you are interested without any need to play the others that you don`t. Ofcourse you should not expect any crazy variativity from an erotic game like this but it is definitely can become interesting experience and if you will enjoy it then you are welcomed to check for other femmes on our website.

Amanda's Approach

Busty blonde Amanda involves the doctor. She encompasses a very little drawback. And he or she desires to grasp the way to treat it and what totry and do. Amanda appearance very cool. She encompasses a fashionable hairstyle, massive watermelons and a sweet smile. throughout the dialogue, it seems that Amanda likes to travel while not panties and a undergarment. And her boss does not like this behavior. Amanda does not wish to lose her job and offers a mental state session. However Amanda likes to be checked out. Your mission during this game is to assist Amanda. To do this, use the mouse and realize the proper places on Amanda`s body. First, hover your mouse over her shortsand clickon. Amanda spreads her legs. Wow, she`s carrying a pink thong. Proceed more and see what happens next.

Found: 9